Hypnosis and NLP – are they the work of the devil?

Are Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP and Hypnosis bad or evil?

Since the dawn of religions and beliefs, humans have always felt comfort in belonging to groups where they felt less vulnerable and a kind of salvation – even if it’s a self-claimed salvation but there was always comfort in believing it.

On the other hand, for the leader of that group or religion to convince some one that he holds the key for that “self-claimed” salvation and that he is chosen or appointed by a deity or a higher authority – the leader must show some kind of super powers or at least have the ability to convince people to join and believe.  

The most efficient and effective way to achieve such results is to use the power of suggestions to manipulate the mind and create a belief. If you can manipulate such powerful thing as the mind you can get some powerful results whether good or evil.

Some people still think that hypnosis and its branches such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP are evil, and that’s based on what they have also heard or been taught through a certain belief system. However, the answer is and as it will always be that, the methodology is actually neutral – it’s not good or evil - but how it is used and for what purpose is what matters.

Anything can become dangerous when it’s used incorrectly, take religions for example… when religions are  taught and have been used to spread hatred… the religion itself will lose its peaceful identity and become a tool of murder justified under the name of a deity that has been taught through the same methodology (NLP and Hypnosis).

However, this same methodology can be used for good and helping others. It can be used for those who are seeking clarity to become successful as well as countless other reasons including therapy, business and education. There are no requirements to learn NLP Master Practitioner Training and Hypnosis at least at TheMindTech Institute but just good ethics.

It’s your ethics that keeps you away from conning and scamming people. It’s true you can use it to claim that you have some super powers or a holy ghost on your shoulder working for you and charge people for healing and blessings – and also you can claim you’re some super guru and charge people thousands of dollars to follow you.

The only person who can manage and control such skills is you... you are the one who should know how and for what purpose you’re going to use such useful knowledge and techniques after you graduate - it’s you who is responsible for your behavior and actions and that is often based on your values and ethics.

Another common question people often ask is if you can make people do whatever you want them to do while they are hypnotized. The simple and short answer NO. You can’t make people just do whatever you want them to do while they are hypnotized as you see in the movies and some shows.

The person who is hypnotized will not do anything that he/she doesn’t want to do. Obviously there are levels of hypnosis, but the hypnosis you learn isn’t some MK-Ultra mind control type of hypnosis.

Hypnosis also isn’t something that allows you to talk to the dead and to be used in some paranormal sessions.

NLP Master Practitioner Training and Hypnosis Practitioner Training certification are just a way to communicate clearly with others at the subconscious level if needed to be able to understand them clearer and to get your point across easily and effortlessly.

Imagine how many problems can be avoided when we learn how to communicate clearer with your spouse, friends, work colleagues and clients. And certainly there’s nothing wrong in making money and become financially independent, of course – scamming people is absolutely unacceptable.   
Lastly, Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP and hypnosis aren’t good or evil – it’s how you use them – and you can certainly utilize what you learn in NLP Master Practitioner Training and Hypnosis Practitioner Training certification and apply that knowledge for a good cause.
